When the Discomfort Sneaks Up
Can anyone else relate?!? We have a LOT going on right now globally and as a society. We can get really good at getting down on ourselves for having less bandwidth for the daily tasks, relationships, etc. we usually have space for.
When that discomfort comes up, it can feel habitual and even bring in a level of comfort to put extra pressure or concern on our bodies. This often happens because we are told our bodies are something we “should” be able to control, so bringing the focus back on ourselves gives us a false sense of security in that control. However, that could be problematic for a couple of reasons.
#1 - Our bodies didn’t do anything wrong. They are not the culprit for the global pandemic or the discomfort we are feeling over the social justice movements that are happening right now. Putting extra pressure and focus on ourselves only brings less peace in our bodies and…
As humans, we are biologically trained to move away from pain and discomfort and we often equate that discomfort as something being “wrong”
#2 - Excess micromanaging of our bodies and how we feed ourselves right now can distract from our need to concentrate on what’s REALLY going on. When we focus on restriction, punishment workouts, feeling shame about our here and now bodies, it’s a great way to push away the ACTUAL uncomfortable emotions we might be having in that moment.
As humans, we are biologically trained to move away from pain and discomfort and we often equate that discomfort as something being “wrong”. YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THAT!!! Safely curating a space during the day to do a body “check-in” can be a really therapeutic moment to filter through what your body is feeling and NEEDS right now.
Maybe it’s a couple of minutes of quiet time or a gentle walk in nature. Whatever it is, open up the opportunity to ask yourself “How am I feeling right now?”,”Where do I feel that feeling in my body?”, “What do I NEED in this moment to support my healing journey?” - Maybe the answers don’t come right away, but giving yourself the opportunity to check-in creates a positive habit and space for the answers to come when you’re ready!!
The need to micromanage our bodies right now often leads to actually disconnecting with what the body is asking for, which equals..MORE discomfort and disconnection. If we’re going to be uncomfortable, might as well be uncomfortable for the right reasons and in a healing manner.