
I have found it has also been paramount in this work of being a Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating, and body liberation advocate, to have research to back my work. Our brains work well with numbers, calculations, and seeing collected data when grasping a new concept that goes against what we may have believed in the past to be true.

I have compiled some research below that I feel is applicable towards my field of work. Much if it is based on debunking a lot of bad science or information that has been mass populated, I feel, to our detriment. It is by no means an exhaustive list but is a start towards helping support my clients and those who might be interested in this work. My hope is to provide an opportunity to see another side of the research that is less “out there” through a collected batch of material.

Some of the information provided may be controversial, I understand, but it makes it no less important. If you’ve ever suffered from feeling a loss of worth following a failed diet attempt, or felt that your body was wrong, broken or not worthy of accepting love and compassion, this work is that much more important.
