The Modern Girl Podcast: Building Body Trust Through Intuitive Eating

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I had the pleasure of joining The Modern Girl Podcast with Katelyn Parsons, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Intuitive Eating Specialist in San Diego, CA.

She helps ambitious women heal their relationship with food and rebuild body trust from the inside out so that they can feel good in their skin without obsession.

Beyond coaching & speaking, Katelyn enjoys exploring the world with her husband, long beach walks and chatting over multiple cups of tea with friends.

What we talk about:

  • I needed some sort of external validation through something…It felt really good to have a relationship with someone, just bonding with other girls without thinking of my health

  • I am a very sensitive individual and an introvert. Purging helped me with my feelings of discomfort at that time. As much as I was surrounded by people, I was lonely. You put so much stress on your body when you purge.

  • It was not always a safe space for me, sometimes I was forced to eat under unsafe circumstances. My eating disorder was a way to attempt to control, distract, and numb the pain when it felt like to much.

  • There was so much constant internalized pressure I put on myself. The first time that I had a sense of myself outside of a team was working in the pastry shop. I didn’t know how to not be busy, slow down, and be quiet. There was something that I missed when growing up and I felt the pull to go back and find it.

  • What does it look like to be in your own space?

  • I will not be silent, I will speak for myself, letting go of that perfection being so loud.

  • At some point we have to allow ourselves to grow and change; we always need to learn to grow.

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Kaitlin Bolt-Lovett