Dieting Is a Consistent Indicator of Weight Gain

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I understand the pull to lose weight and be smaller. I don’t think you can really be alive in this day and age without being overstimulated by the constant influx of dieting and lifestyle ads, waste slimmers, and detox teas. The marketing is incessant and REAL.

For those individuals who are told to believe that they are “overweight” and therefore unhealthy by the worthless standard of BMI, or, even worse, outright stereotyped based solely on LOOKS, we can see the pervasiveness of weight bias in health care.

If you’re in a straight-sized body, it’s likely you live in fear of your body changing or “letting yourself go”, with the underlining tone being that same assumption in many regards, that body size is in our control, and weight gain is solely from neglect, lack of willpower, laziness, etc.

Assumptions are thrown around left and right. I too have fallen into the trap of using health as a guise for restricting out of fear and the pull to attempt to find safety in the size of my body. This in and of itself is a privilege not awarded to all individuals.


You are not alone. Disordered eating is so normalized, it can be hard to see how disordered and unhealthy it actually is.

You are not alone. Disordered eating is so normalized, it can be hard to see how disordered and unhealthy it actually is.

Research shows chances of sustainable weight loss are not only insanely low, but that dieting is a CONSISTENT indicator of weight gain. Do they put that on the Weight Watchers label? How about the clean eating cleanse?

We aren’t exactly set up for success here, but we do have the power of being conscious of our decisions so that we can decide if we are making choices based on fear and inaccurate information, external noise/pressure, a need to control, or something else.

We have autonomy over our own bodies and an opportunity to give our bodies what is needed for them to function as best as possible. It’s about respect not condemnation, vibrancy not getting by.

Is that food and body micro-managing causing more stress than good? How do you actually WANT to feel? Can it be done WITHOUT focusing on weight?? The choice is yours!!!

You deserve to show up in your here and now body, it’s your life too. ❤️

Kaitlin Bolt-Lovett

Kaitlin Bolt-Lovett