Signs you are HEALING

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Signs you are healing:

  • You can walk past a reflective surface without the compulsion to body check out of fear and need for control.

  • You get to have your favorite foods around without fear of being “out of control."

  • You have more mental space to concentrate on the parts of life that light you up.

  • Going into your closet to get dressed isn’t a battle that stops you from going somewhere.

  • Your energy throughout the day feels more consistent as food becomes more satisfying and dependable.

Healing isn’t linear, but it is FULL of incredible moments of growth. An important part of the healing journey is taking moments to pause and celebrate the small wins that are actually big deals; those moments that wouldn’t have been possible a couple of months ago, and might still feel scary, but also bring a sense of peace and hopeful freedom with them!

When you are choosing to step out of diet culture and move toward a space of liberation, the signs of healing are important to take time to acknowledge; like those first moments you practice not measuring your peanut butter, or you get dressed without looking in the mirror and decide to first check if you FEEL comfortable.

Healing doesn’t happen overnight, but the signs of it are all throughout the journey. If you are on your own journey toward food and body-image freedom, keep showing up, keep pushing. Sometimes the hard moments feel like they will continue on forever, but I promise they won’t.

The space for truly living is ALWAYS worth it.

Kaitlin Bolt-Lovett