You Are Worthy In Your Here And Now Body
This quote was found by a dear friend almost a year ago, yet I still find myself mentally referencing it over and over. The truth and realness of its’ words never fade.
How many moments have been spent being distracted by our humanness instead of enjoying LIFE??
How many times do we have to say no, to LIVING, before we realize that over obsessing about the size or shape of our body keeps us from being in the moment and allowing a life full of joy and pleasure?
We pick apart our bodies, pinching, side-eyeing, manipulating them to fit a certain standard we have in our heads of what beauty “should” look like or what’s publicly acceptable, only to find something “wrong” to concentrate on in the end anyways.
We forget that showing up and being alive, means we are worthy enough to experience the waves crashing at our feet, the belly laughter with friends around a fire, the pure joy of a breeze on bare legs.
The worst part is…it’s so normal. We get so worried about other people’s judgments of our bodies that we start to believe the storyline that we are only worthy based on outside approval, we are only worthy when we can only look a certain way, fit a certain template…but that’s just not true.
There is no prerequisite for the joys of life. Is it sometimes uncomfortable to feel vulnerable when we try things out for the first time in a while, HECK YES!!! But that’s not a good enough reason to hide or make yourself smaller.
Do you value playing small and living a life based on others perceived perception? Or do you value a life full of curiosity, joy, satisfaction, and connection?
Your vibrancy shines brighter than any cellulite or rolls. I stand behind the saying that “All bodies are summer bodies” quarantine or no quarantine.
Living a vibrant life is sometimes just a choice. Yes, it isn’t always accessible for everyone at all times, but feeling shame about your own body will never fix that stigma. Those parts of your body you want to hide, are symbols of LIFE.
We all have bad body days. We all have days where we are bloated or not feeling our best, and that is STILL an indicator that you are alive and worthy. It’s about making a choice of where your values lie and make a stand behind them.
Are your actions and mental thoughts taking you closer to, or farther away from those values?
YOU ARE WORTHY IN YOUR HERE AND NOW BODY. YOU’VE ALWAYS BEEN WORTHY!!!! No matter what the health care system, superiors, or media tells you. YOU deserve to show up for your current self, for your past self, for your future self. It’s YOUR life, how do you want to live it?
YOU are in the driver’s seat!