It's Not An Obesity Epidemic, It's a Disconnection Epidemic


I just watched a problematic video of someone very well known in the fitness sector, tear down Intuitive Eating after what seemed to be little to no education on the subject.

It’s frustrating, but the moments I allowed myself to spend in the comments section revived me a bit. People standing up against weight stigma, calling out the privileged and racist roots of the wellness industry, and defending a VERY well researched paradigm.

Intuitive Eating was the first semblance of freedom I have ever felt around my body, my worth, and who I am as a human.

It allowed me to begin my own journey towards healing not just my relationship with food and my body, but how I show up in life.

It allowed me to see the toxicity of my own thoughts, and my ingrained beliefs that I am different and therefore less than.

It enabled exploration into our cultural system of fat-phobia and how that exact system is built on shaming people into believing that they are only worthy at a certain size or health status.

Intuitive eating allowed me to see where boundaries were not in place, and without those boundaries, my sense of self was limited to what energy I could pick up from other people.

Intuitive eating helped me dig into my own rules, need for control, lack of safety, and how generational, diet culture, and patriarchy are for women.

Intuitive eating showed me that I wasn’t broken, or wrong, or out of control.

It showed me that I AM powerful, worthy, safe to connect to my inner wisdom and sensitivity. It taught me that I’m allowed to TRUST my body and what it’s constantly trying to tell me.

It started me on the path of self-compassion so that I can learn it for myself and let it ripple out.

Intuitive eating gave me permission to feel. It’s given me a purpose and a path that aligns with my values of lifting people up, not pushing them down.

I know IE isn’t for everyone, and I do fully agree in autonomy for every individual, AND I believe to heal the world we MUST start with healing our relationships to ourselves and our bodies.

Kaitlin Bolt-Lovett