Show Yourself Compassion

I know I speak of compassion a lot, starting with compassion towards ourselves, recognizing the feeling, and then practicing extending that out.

Kindness feels a little like that too. Often our struggles can consume us. They can feel eternal with no visible answers peeking around the corner.

When others are struggling it is human nature to want to help lift them up, ease their pain, give answers.

But the reality is, our suggestions may not be..
A. Wanted.
B. Helpful.
C. Fall on deaf ears if given at the wrong time or in the wrong context.
D. More for ourselves than others.

Kindness is often more subtle. I gentle way of saying I see you, I hear you, let me hold space for you in whatever context you may need.

It can be a humbling act to realize you don’t have the answers or to stay quiet when we’re accustomed to speaking up. The reality is, we each have our own struggles. We each have our own stories and baggage and often times the best way we can help is by listening and letting that be enough. Reminding ourselves, it isn’t about us.

Compassionately holding space for pain is one of the greatest acts of kindness you can do and sometimes one of the hardest. Truly holding space, truly taking yourself out of the equation and letting another person feel through their struggle without attempting to take any of it away by soothing them, THAT’S an act of love.

And how beautiful to share with another struggling soul that there is unselfish love to be found in this world. ❤️
-A Life Nourished

For more information about A Life Nourished, one-on-one coaching, media, and the non-diet approach, head HERE in the bio or Sign-Up for my monthly newsletter!

Quote unknown. If anyone knows please let me know so I can give credit!!