Boundaries Don't Equal Walls

Healthy, clear, loving boundaries are not meant to be judgmental or based in fear or hurt.

Boundaries are about learning to better understand who each of us are as individuals. It’s about learning to articulate our needs from a place of deep compassion and understanding. It’s about appreciating someone else’s values just as much as you appreciate your own separate values, and creating space between the two.

Boundaries help us better show up, not because we have to or feel obligated to, but because we have learned to respect the difference between cup full and cup empty.

When loving boundaries are built, they are meant not to throw walls up for protection but to grow deeper in our own ability to care for ourselves. They take acknowledgement, a serious gentleness, and an ability to compassionately hold space when someone else doesn’t understand.

My boundaries aren’t meant for you, they are meant for me. They help the individual genuinely become who they are through articulation of needs. They allow a curiosity when solidifying values by allowing us to see where our energy is taken away and where it gets stronger.

They create a strong foundation so that we are not constantly acting from a place of overwhelm and high alert. .
Boundaries are truly one of the most significant acts of care you can gift, not just to yourself, but others too.

I encourage you to see where in your life you are sacrificing your energy and where a clear boundary could help re-establish a bit of your unique self.

If you have suggestions on how to set caring boundaries comment below so that we can all feel supported in our journey!

-A Life Nourished

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📸 via @risingwoman