
“Kaitlin is one of the finest Registered Dietitians in Cincinnati, and she is far more than that. Her practice is rare and credible. She understands the need for comfort and freedom and teaches you how food can be both, while still pursing a nourishing diet that is aligned with a practice of self care. Thanks to Kaitlin, I am sitting home right now, enjoying an occasional glass of wine. Guilt free. Not worrying if I’ll be able to work it off tomorrow or if it means I’m losing control of my diet. I highly recommend her if you are looking for someone to guide you through cultivating a healthy mindset around your diet and the way you view your body.”

-Sarah Jenkins, Owner of the Original Method 


“Weight and body image are things I have struggled with since I was a young girl. I decided about year ago that it was time to start again in wrestling this demon and I have found Kaitlin to be a breath of fresh air. I feel respected, challenged, and encouraged by her and believe I am finding insights that are truly helpful. Thank you, Kaitlin.  I look forward to our continued journey.” - MR


Before meeting Kaitlin, I honestly don't remember a time when I wasn't counting calories (either physically or mentally), obsessing over "being healthy", and fighting off urges to binge and snack all night. When Kaitlin introduced me to the idea of eating mindfully and listening to what my body wants, I was skeptical. I thought, 'if I listened to my body, I would be gorging on junk food all day, everyday'. But as we worked through my assumptions about food, I slowly started to trust myself that when I'm hungry or craving certain foods, there's a reason behind it. Understanding the "why" has helped me be more compassionate towards myself and my body, and my hostility towards food and exercise has started to go away. Thank you Kaitlin for opening up my world to a life truly nourished :) - TC